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Dashboard | Start | Business |
Number of accounts
Default maximum number of accounts you can connect to POSTOPLAN
2 accounts | 5 accounts |
Number of accounts for each service
Maximum number of accounts for each service (no more than the total number)
1 account | Onbeperkt |
Maximum number of users on your POSTOPLAN profile
1 Gebruiker | Onbeperkt |
Services beschikbaar
Services you can connect to POSTOPLAN
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You can increase the number of accounts to be connected for $0.99/month
Kalender posts | Start | Business |
Schedule and publish any number of posts in social networks, services and messengers
Onbeperkt | Onbeperkt |
Group accounts by categories and divide work in your team
1 project | Onbeperkt |
Vooruit-planning periode
The number of days for which you can schedule your posts
10 dagen | Onbeperkt |
Aantal terugkerende taken
Repeat your post after a specified time
1 taak voor alle accounts | Onbeperkt |
RSS feeds
Automatically repost articles and news from any websites at the time of their release
1 | Onbeperkt |
Analyses | Start | Business |
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DM&comments | Start | Business |
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